2021 KWOA In-Person Annual Meeting Rescheduled Again!
The KWOA Board voted to cancel the September 28-29 Lake Cumberland State Park 2021 In-Person Annual Meeting; we have been rescheduled to meet there in the spring of 2023.
Instead of an in-person 2021 annual meeting, we will have a zoom meeting later this fall. We are already planning for the 2022 Annual Meeting to be held in Frankfort next spring. For now, we just want you to know about the change of plans and what you need to do:
If you already have lodging reservations, you need to call the park at 270-343-3111 to cancel.
On registration fees paid for for 2021 annual meeting, you have a choice; you can either apply the registration fee to the 2022 Annual Meeting in Frankfort next spring or request a refund or donate them to KWOA or KWOF. Send us an email with your choice.
Details on the fall zoom annual meeting will be carried in a future Wood Posts and on our website. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we all adjust to changing situations.
Donate an Item for the Annual Meeting Silent Auction
It’s time to find a new home for those holiday gifts that were never given! Donate that item to the KWOA annual meeting silent auction. Donations can be anything with a monetary value. Event tickets, gift baskets, gift cards, books, artwork and crafts are welcome.
Email a description of your item and a suggested minimum bid to Harry Pelle, board member – hpelle@windstream.net. Please put Silent Auction in the subject line of your email. Please let Harry know whether you can bring it to the meeting or need it delivered. And thanks!