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Kentucky Woodland Owners Association

​KWOA is a state affiliate of the National Woodland Owners Association, providing members access to proven resources and successful programs. Kentucky’s 467,000 private woodland owners can work together to enhance the quality of our woodlands, solve problems we share in common and improve the wealth of the commonwealth by advocating sound government policy. 


​We have a diverse membership whose interests in woodland ownership include timber production, fish and wildlife management, recreation, and resource conservation. Woodland ownership ranges from those with several acres to those with more than a thousand. Membership includes those who reside on their woodland property as well as absentee owners.

Grayson Woods Pine Logs.IMG_4002.JPG

Our Mission

Bringing people and woodland sustainability together

Guiding Principles


for the interests of woodland owners and healthy woodlands for the long term.


woodland owners on all aspects of woodland management from on-the-ground practices to record keeping to legacy planning.


connections between woodland owners and all the resources available to help them achieve their goals.

Who We Are

Our members are interested in resource conservation, sustainable timber production and non-timber woodland products, fish and wildlife management, and recreation. Woodland ownership ranges from those with several acres to those with more than a thousand. Membership includes those who reside on their woodland property as well as absentee owners and associate/business members.


Our members and allies volunteer their time and resources to provide these services:

  • The Wood Post, periodic messages (usually one a month) providing timely information by email

  • The Kentucky Woodlands Newsletter (quarterly publication)

  • Annual meetings with two days of hands-on field demonstrations and other educational programs

  • Co-sponsor multiple field days and training events with our partners across the state

  • Maintain informational web site

  • Appear before Legislative Committees addressing forest policy and funding issues

  • Attend meetings with allied organizations and others to support our mission.


Our “Sister” organization is the Kentucky Woodland Owners Foundation (KWOF), a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization to further our mission with:

  • Annual Scholarship to University of Kentucky Forestry students

  • Annual Recognition to an Outstanding Service Forester

  • Financial assistance for various programs such as Woodland Owner Short Courses, Leopold Conservation Awards, Kentucky Forest Leadership – Youth Program​​


We partner with various organizations to further our mission by providing members access to proven resources and successful programs. Learn more about our Partners and Directors.

What We Do

KWOA works to advance the skills of Kentucky woodland owners through educational activities, interaction with other landowners and forestry professionals, and awareness of state and federal forestry assistance programs. We also encourage and support the formation of local forestry organizations. We provide a voice for Kentucky woodland owners in legislative activities. KWOA raises public awareness regarding the value of woodland management and its contribution to the state's economy, recreation, natural land preservation, wildlife habitat, water quality, and the environment in general. In addition, KWOA encourages economically and environmentally sound forest management practices including:


  • Control of invasive vegetative species, insect problems, and diseases

  • Preventing forest fires, timber theft, and unlawful trespassing

  • Fairness in timberland taxes

  • Farm owner insurance policies that do not discriminate against tree farmers

  • Forest certification to assure a reliable supply of sustainably grown wood, which might result in higher prices for standing timber

  • Sustainable timber harvests that meet water quality best management practices.

  • Work with the Forest Health Task Force, initiated by KWOA


KWOA can help you! No matter how you want to use your woodlands (timber assets, wildlife habitat, hunting, hiking, camping recreation), learning how to manage for sustainability has benefits now and into the future.​

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