Sharing this recent communique from Forest Landowners Association
Congressman Buddy Carter (R-GA) and Congresswoman Terri Sewell (D-AL) introduced H.R. 262 in the House. This legislation provides disaster recovery tools for private forest landowners facing losses from natural disasters.
With a strong emphasis on tax policy this year, we are urging partners to support the Disaster Reforestation Act. Rising natural disasters have left rural communities in dire need of recovery support. This legislation provides a pathway to correcting the casualty loss deduction for timber allowing for simple recovery and reforestation following catastrophic events.
Possible action items:
Contact Congressional offices and urge them to cosponsor H.R. 262. Highlight the importance of including the bill in the upcoming tax package to provide relief for landowners in rural communities.
Rework a press releases or other public communications to feature this important bill for rural communities, working forests, and disaster recovery efforts.
For more background please see:
Forest Landowner’s one-pager on the bill for reference, and
A list of supporting organizations, which you are welcome to use in your outreach.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication. Together, we can advance the Disaster reforestation Act and secure the recovery tools that forest landowners and rural communities so desperately need.
NWOA gratefully acknowledges partner Craig Anderson VP of Government Affairs from Forest Landowners Association for these background materials and alerting us all about this potential legislation opportunity.