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NRCS News You Can Use


NRCS ( portal is designed to allow the landowner to tract progress of these items.  The problem is the local field offices can’t help landowners get an account.  The solution is Megan Baker, NRCS.  She works out of the Richmond field office but has statewide responsibilities including landowner tech outreach.  Her phone number is 606-210-0565.  A session with Megan would be a value to KWOA members and potential members!  Here are the basics of monitoring NRCS programs/applications online: 

USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides tools for producers to monitor applications, payments, and other aspects of their participation in NRCS programs. Producers can access this information online through the portal. Here's how:

1. Portal


2. Getting Started with eAuthentication

  • You need a USDA eAuthentication Level 2 account to access the dashboard. Create an account at

  • Verification involves identity proofing, which can be completed online or at a local USDA service center.


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