If you have been remodeling you already know the price of lumber has skyrocketed. KWOA continues to watch for more news, especially from the perspective of the woodland owner and the overall impact on sustainable woodland management practices. Two articles that look at the impact of climate change and the prognosis for sawmills:
NWOA posted this article reflecting on the relationship between climate change and the lumber shortage: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/04/climate-origins-massive-lumber-shortage/618727/
This Wall Street Journal article reflects the prognosis for sawmills and the impact on home buyers, DIY projects, and renters: Lumber Prices Break New Records or www.wsj.com/articles/record-lumber-prices-lift-sawmills-while-homeowners-do-it-yourselfers-pay-up-11620034201