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L.D. "Joe" Ball

KWOA Board Member and Past President, L.D. "Joe" Ball, 87 of Somerset, passed away October 18th at his home in the care of his wife Doris, family and close friends. Joe operated extensive hardwood timber farms in Tennessee and Kentucky. Learn more about Joe and arrangements Pulaski Funeral Home or call (606) 678-4166.

Joe will be sorely missed. KWOA Director, Henry Duncan, shared this Remembrance about Joe Ball:

Joe Ball, like Don Girton and Pete McNeill before him was a pioneer in the Kentucky Woodland Owners Organization's movement and outstanding achievements.
Joe had a 30 year+ career with the University of Kentucky, first as a County Extension Agent assisting farmers with Agriculture Programs and as a Community Development Specialist; As a Development Specialist, he assisted numerous County Judge Executives , Fiscal Courts and other Community leaders within the ten county region in South- Central Kentucky with their planned development of utility development projects, planning and zoning and many other community development organizational projects.
Upon retirement, Joe utilized these leadership experiences and skills toward his devotion to the woodlands and woodland owners: Joe exhibited a passion for all aspects of the woodlands, having acquired hundreds of acres of timberland in Tennessee and Kentucky which he managed with perfection; He constructed a rustic pavilion, camping site and fire pits deep in his woodlands for family and friends to attend, participate and appreciate the scenic woodlands. Joe also arranged and hosted an annual wildflower touring event each spring for the public's enjoyment and education.
He personally oversaw the most major and minor details of timber stand improvement and timber harvesting. He would operate the heavy harvesting equipment and transport logging trucks for hours upon end as he labored in the timber operations.
Joe Ball was passionate in his encouragement for the Woodland Owners Association, Agriculture Organizations, Universities, and any other Organizations to first and foremost, plan for, support and promote the challenging needs of commercial timber woodland owners.
I was privileged to follow President Joe Ball as president of KY Woodland Owners Association and could feel Joe's passionate breath breathing down an we embarked on long range program plans for the organization; He even invited the KWOA planning committee for an overnight trip to spend two days touring his woodlands in Tennessee and Kentucky to understand first hand what his thoughts for long range program planning might be.
Joe Ball was a man to walk the talk and would not take NO for an answer when it involved the progress of woodland owners. Joe Ball was recognized by the UK Epsilon Sigma Phi for outstanding achievements as a Retired Extension Worker and by the Kentucky Woodland Owners Association with the Outstanding Achievement Award.


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