Dr. Jim Corum of Stoney Fork received the Herman Bagganstoss Recognition Award, “… for an individual’s contributions to forestry beyond the demands of their regular employment” at the Kentucky-Tennessee Society of American Foresters winter meeting. Corum has continued five generations of woodland ownership and management in southeast Kentucky on the family property focusing on multi-resource planning of high-quality timber, protection of water quality and wildlife habitat. He has been a long-time KWOA board member.
The Education Committee of the KTSAF also awarded a financial scholarship to Christopher Michael (Mike) Rich, forestry student at the University of Kentucky. Rich has worked with the Fire Cats for three years and hopes to begin a new career following graduation in silviculture, prescribed fire and habitat restoration. He is a KWOA board member and contributing author for its newsletter and website
From the Woods Today—a weekly webcast from the University of Kentucky Department of Forestry and Natural Resources—won a national award for exemplary educational programming responses to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. The National Woodland Owners Association and the National Association of Forest Resources Programs created the Individual Project Award to recognize shows that furthered forestry education during the pandemic. Congratulations to the webcast co-hosts—Renee’ Williams, UK Senior Information Specialist and Billy Thomas, Extension Forester. The webcast airs its 100th episode in April!