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2025 KWOA Annual Meeting


Updated: Jan 15

March 24- March 26, 2025

Jenny Wiley State Resort Park

Field Trips:

Morgan County Nursery and Dewy Lake

January has arrived, and as it sometimes does it came in loud and proud. As I sit and watch the snow continue to fall, I let my thoughts drift to late March when the 31st annual meeting of the Kentucky Woodland Owners Association will be held. We hope that you will join us on Monday March 24 when we will start by visiting the Morgan County Nursery. We will be taking a tour of this amazing facility to see firsthand how new tree seedlings made ready for delivery to your property. The work that the KDF staff does to provide us with quality affordable tree seedling it truly amazing, and we feel sure you will find this tour very informative. From there we will move to the Jenny Wiley State Resort Park, where will begin with a discussion of how to ensure that your property stays in the family. Legacy experts Clint Quarles and Aleta Botts will be providing a wealth of information on how to protect your property after you are gone.we will break for some social time and a meal, then reconvene in regional session, where you will be able to discuss problems that you and others in your area are experiencing, it will provide a time together to know others in your area and your directors. 


We have planned a full and informative day for Tuesday March 25th. After some opening remarks we will be breaking up into two groups one group will be traveling to Dewy Lake to meet with a Forester from the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife resources to look at discuss forestry management practices they are carrying out.  The group that remains behind will be involved with sessions on how to protect your property in the event of wildfire. We will about reclaiming abandoned mines on your property. Jeff Stringer will be discussing how to manage for white and other upland oaks. We will have a panel discussion with foresters and biologists on timber management as it applies to you. Whatever your management goals are this panel will be able to give you the advice you need. There will be a session on the new purple paint law, and it affects you. We all regroup for lunch and after that morning group that went out to the field will be inside and the inside group will be headed to the field. We will all regroup in the afternoon for Business meeting and election of directors. There will be social time and then we will conclude the evening with our annual banquet, and awards ceremony.


Wednesday March 26th will find us together again for the last day of meetings. We will be getting an update on climate concerns, & carbon sequestration issues from our partners at the University of Kentucky.


We have tried to make this meeting both fun and informative. We have secured professionals in natural resources to answer whatever questions you might have. We hope to see you all in March.

Download the tentative agenda below.

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