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Forest Carbon Programs: What We Know So Far


These programs are new and are undergoing rapid changes. We have been following the progress of these programs for the benefit of members. The Kentucky Woodland Owners Association has concerns with the potentially negative impact of any program that does not support ongoing forest management practices. Without ongoing management to control invasive species, forest health will be degraded. We believe carbon credit programs could be designed to support forest health and productivity, while sequestering carbon; but, it is not a simple one size fits all proposition. If you plan to pursue any of the programs described below, their provisions may have changed significantly by the time you enroll. We do not endorse any of these programs, and we suggest that you seek legal and professional advice before participating in any of them. If you have any experience in dealing with forest carbon credits, we would love to hear from you. We can be reached at


Sponsors: American Forest Foundation and the Nature Conservancy. The web address

Availability in Kentucky: The program is scheduled to be available in all counties in Kentucky during the first quarter of 2024.

Acreage Requirements: 30-2400 acres             

Length of Contract: 20 years

Payments to Participants: $230 per acre paid over 20 years. The payment rate is $272 per acre if the participant has a Farm Service Agency number.

Requirements of Participants: Restrict timber harvest, with some allowance for sustainable harvests. Confirmation of compliance with terms of management plan is required every five years.

Application Process: Application is filed online to confirm eligibility, followed by a meeting with a forestry professional who walks the land. Actual enrollment follows. The forestry professional is paid by Family Forest Carbon.

Verification Program Used: Verra

Last updated 6/10/24


Sponsor: NCX, a privately held company. The web address is

Availability in Kentucky:  Their one year program was in operation in Kentucky in 2021 and 2022. There are no scheduled future NCX programs. NCX is now in the business of matching the requirements of specific landowners with programs offered by other project developers. They also plan to include National Resource Conservation Service and local Conservation District programs in their offerings. These programs may include benefits for conservation practices involving timber, water, and wildlife as well as carbon sequestration.

Acreage Requirements: This would vary depending on the program. The focus is on smaller landowners.

Length of Contract: 5-40 years

Payment to Participants: This would vary depending on the program.

Requirements of Participants:  This would vary depending on the program.  

Application Process: The entire registration process is online and there is no cost.

Verification Program Used: N/A

Last updated 6/11/24


​Sponsor: Forest Carbon Works, a public benefit corporation. The web address is

Availability in Kentucky: The program is currently available in Kentucky

​Acreage Requirements: Minimum 40 acres

Length of Contract: 25 year payment period followed by a 35 year monitoring period. Both may be extended for potentially higher credits.

Payments to Participants: $10 per acre per year is the base payment amount, with higher payments for large acreage and more productive sites.

Requirements of Participants: Limited harvesting is allowed during the 25 year payment period, when up to 10% of the basal area may be harvested. Additional harvesting may incur a fee. Harvests are Forest Stewardship Council certified and are handled by Forest Carbon Works.

​Application Process: The entire process is on line.

Verification Program Used: Verra

Last updated 10/10/23


Sponsors: Finite Carbon and LandYield

Finite Carbon is the nation’s biggest provider of carbon offset services for larger landowners. They have developed the Core Carbon platform,, so that smaller woodland owners can participate in carbon markets as well.

LandYield is using the Core Carbon platform so landowners can enroll their land and generate income from carbon stored in their forests.

Availability in Kentucky: The program is currently available in Kentucky

Acreage Requirements: Landowners with forested acres of less than 5000 acres with a minimum of 40 acres being enrolled.

Length of Contract: 40 year minimum

Fees Charged to Participants: None

Payments to Participants: $30-$40 per acre

Requirements of Participants: Commit to a term of at least 40 years, including at least 20 years with a no harvest provision.

Application Process: The process is on line. The platform calculates a real-time quote based on remote sensing technology.

Verification Program Used: American Carbon Registry

Last updated 7/3/24

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