Pollinator Habitat Establishment Field Day
Kentucky State University Harold R. Benson Research and Demonstration Farm >> 1525 Mills Ln, Frankfort, KY 40601 << Date: Sept 10 Time: 9:00 am – 11:00 am Cost: No cost. (Lunch will not be provided). Registration: Linked below. Parking: Meet up outside in the conference center parking lot. We’ll then travel together to the study site . This program will not occur in the conference center due to another scheduled event. Description Join the Kentucky State University Forestry and Natural Resources program to see first year results of a pollinator habitat establishment study.
Parking and meeting location We’ll meet outside in the parking lot of the farm’s conference center then drive to the study site also located on the farm. Dress to be outdoors through the field day. You will pass through the farm to reach the meeting location. See map for additional directions. *Note: You will pass through a certified organic area of KSU’s farm. Please drive only on the gravel road till you get to the designated parking field. Please avoid transporting any pesticides through this area. The Kentucky Prescribed Fire Council is hosting three workshops in the month of August. Two will focus on controlled burns and will be offered in Elizabethtown and Carlisle. The final offering will focus on RX Fire.
The Kentucky Woodlands Newsletter, in continuous publication since 1993, provides information and educational content to further KWOA’s mission of “Bringing people and woodland sustainability together”. The quarterly publication is provided to members through email, paper copy, and on our website at https://www.kwoa.net/newsletter.
An important component of KWOA’s strategic planning is succession whereby new members join the organization’s committees and take on roles that ensure its legacy and thereby the legacy of privately owned woodlands for future generations. To that end KWOA is seeking a new editor for the newsletter. This is a volunteer opportunity to work with many of the finest people in forestry-related research and projects in Kentucky at the state and county levels. The editor is responsible for coordinating with the KWOA Communications Committee to gather content for the newsletter. The current newsletter runs a series of articles under various themes and events that can be reviewed in past issues. The editor gathers and reviews submissions from officers, board members, KWOA members, partners and others that are then sent to a review panel for further comments. The newsletter is limited to 8 pages per issue but longer articles can be continued on the website. After review, the articles are submitted to a [desktop publishing] entity for layout, design and a final pdf. The editor will need to have reliable internet access, a computer and to be or become conversant in Google Workspace. The editor is expected to attend quarterly board meetings that convene either in-person of via Zoom as well as the KWOA annual meeting. The current editor (since 2005) will be available for consultation to its successor. If you are looking for a way forward with other exceptional and dedicated forest landowners and professionals, now is the time. Please indicate your interest and any questions you have by submitting a brief description of your woodlands-and news-related related experience to [email protected]. KWOA joins the Kentucky Farmland Transition Initiative KFTI. Many members are concerned about preserving forests for our future and have expressed concerns about preventing the transition of our lands to non-agricultural/woodland purposes. Part of this issue relates to personal estate planning tools. Another aspect is having incentives in place to encourage future owners to continue the productivity and conservation of the land. Learn more about KFTI here and visit the Kentucky Farm Bureau display at the KY State Fair.
The Kentucky Forest Sector Economic Contribution Report for 2022-2023 is now available online or as a downloadable PDF. Here's a link to the full report downloadable PDF:
https://forestry.ca.uky.edu/sites/forestry.ca.uky.edu/files/KY%20Contribution%20Report2022-23-Final.pdf The economic impact of forestry in Kentucky continues to grow. A few notable findings are:
7/10/24 In recent years the Louisville Metro Council has funded $335,000 for the Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Office and $113,200 for the Jefferson County Soil & Water Conservation Office. This year the Mayor’s Proposed Budget only provided $30,000 for the Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Office and $30,000 for the Jefferson County Soil & Water Conservation Office. The Louisville Metro Council successfully added funding to both line items in the Final Approved Budget. They increased the Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Office funding to $182,500 which is still $152,500 short of prior year appropriations. They increased the Jefferson County Soil & Water Conservation Office funding to the full prior level of $113,200. There are discussions among some of the Council members about trying to increase the Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Office funding during the mid-year budget adjustment process in January. The Metro Fiscal Year runs from July 1 through June 30. 6/4/24:The council will vote on the budget June 20, 2024. These are the links you can use to voice your concerns/opinions:
Summary: The Metro Louisville Mayor's proposed budget would defund Conservation District, see news:www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2024/04/29/greenberg-defunds-louisville-conservationg-district-in-new-budget/73469415007/ AND drastically cut Extension Service budget to just $30,000, a cut of $305,000. More detailed information from UK Cooperative Extension Service in the PDF doc below.
Your Local USDA Service Center FSA office is accepting applications for the Continuous CRP signup and for owners already in the CRP there is the Forest Management Incentive (FMI), which can help participants with forest management practices, such as brush management and prescribed burning.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that agricultural producers and private landowners can now sign up for the Grassland Conservation Reserve Program (Grassland CRP). The signup runs from today through June 28, 2024. Grassland CRP, offered by USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA), is a voluntary working lands conservation program that enables participants to conserve grasslands and provide important conservation benefits for wildlife, soil health and carbon sequestration, all while continuing most grazing and haying practices.
Landowners and producers interested in CRP should contact their local USDA Service Center to learn more or to apply for the program before the June 28 deadline. What is the NWOS? The National Woodland Owner Survey is implemented through the Family Forest Research Center, which is a joint venture between the USDA Forest Service and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. It is an imporatnt tool used by the USDA Forest Service to quantify:
KWOA member family is one of 3 KY finalists for the Leopold Award. KWOA is happy to see a woodlands owner as a finalist this year.
August 2024
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