Are you a farmer, rancher or forest manager? Please share your vital feedback with USDA by taking a nationwide survey at: The survey is completely anonymous, will take about 10 minutes to complete, is available in multiple languages, and will be open until March 31, 2023. The survey focuses on gathering feedback about the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service and Risk Management Agency. All farmers, ranchers and forest managers are encouraged to take the survey. USDA would especially like to hear from prospective customers: those who don’t know about USDA or have yet to work with USDA, and those who were unable to participate in the past. The survey will help USDA enhance support, improve programs and services, increase access, and advance equity for new and existing customers. Half a Century Since the Clean Water Act Amendments: The Success Story of Forestry Best Management Practices in the Southeast is a blog post by: Southern Group of State Foresters- USDA is asking for public input through a Federal Register request for information on implementation of more than $19 billion provided by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will use the investments provided through IRA-funded conservation programs to support farmers and ranchers in adopting and expanding climate-smart activities and systems. NRCS asks for comments on how to target program benefits, quantify impact, and improve program delivery and outreach, especially for underserved producers. Comments are due December 22. Learn more and submit comments. Read More Also see information previously posted 8/13/22 here.
This legislation is expected to have many favorable impacts for sustainable forestry practices. We have compiled statements from three major organizations here:
1. National Alliance of Forest Owners (NAFO) also has a statement: 2. The American Forest Foundation (AFF) notes the following “…specific provisions for family forest owners:
August 2024
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