Woodland Stewards Webinar Series Continues in March + Recordings for Later Viewing
The Woodland Stewards Regional Webinar Series returns February 28, March 7, and March 14 for Live webinars at 1 PM Eastern. These webinars will be recorded and made available for later viewing as well. This year, the regional series is focusing on “Open Woodlands: Practices to Create & Maintain Woodlands in Open Forest Environments”. The first offering on February 28 will be focusing on Creating Open Woodlands to Promote Regeneration and Development of White Oak. The second offering on March 7 will focus on Wildlife Considerations when Restoring Oak/pine Woodlands. The final offering on March 14 will focus on Establishing and Managing Open Pine-Hardwood stands. There is no charge for the webinars but registration is required for each one. Register here. REMINDER Registration Closes SOON
What: ARRI partner meeting/field tour ARRI website: www.osmre.gov/programs/arri
When: Feb 10, 2023 {930-1100am (ET)} then a short drive to the fieldtour site to observe current & future mineland restoration projects. Where: Whitley County Extension Office (4275 North US Hwy 25W//Williamsburg/KY 40769) Who: for more info contact: Cliff Drouet, Forester Office of Surface Mining,Lexington/KY Work phone: 303-549-7249 Work email: [email protected] ARRI website: www.osmre.gov/programs/arri |
October 2024