In KWOA’s newest article series, In Their Own Woods, Kentucky’s woodland owners share sketches about their properties, their experiences and their plans for the next generations of trees, wildlife and humans.
The installments endeavor to “put a face” on a family forest – the owners’ aspirations and challenges, unique aspects of the property, woodland management and timber harvests, and intentions and hopes for the next generation of ownership. We hope the series will be interesting and helpful to our readership and encourage the sharing of ideas and prospects in the stewardship of our private forests. If you have a story you’d like to tell about your experience as a woodland owner, please let us be contacting [email protected]. We hope you enjoy the new series.
The installments endeavor to “put a face” on a family forest – the owners’ aspirations and challenges, unique aspects of the property, woodland management and timber harvests, and intentions and hopes for the next generation of ownership. We hope the series will be interesting and helpful to our readership and encourage the sharing of ideas and prospects in the stewardship of our private forests. If you have a story you’d like to tell about your experience as a woodland owner, please let us be contacting [email protected]. We hope you enjoy the new series.
(Read about additional woodlands owners’ adventures in wood crafts and maple syrup in the May 2019 issue of Kentucky Farm Bureau News.)