What We Do:
Advance the skills of Kentucky woodland owners though educational activities, interaction with other landowners and forestry professionals, and awareness of state and federal forestry assistance programs. We also encourage and support the formation of local forestry organizations
Provide a voice for Kentucky woodland owners in legislative activities
Raise public awareness regarding the value of woodland management and its contribution to the state's economy, recreation, natural lands preservation, wildlife habitat, water quality, and the environment in general.
Encourage economically and environmentally sound forest management practices including:
Control of invasive vegetative species, insect problems, and diseases
Preventing forest fires, timber theft, and unlawful trespassing
Fairness in timberland taxes
Farm owner insurance policies that do not discriminate against tree farmers
Forest certification to assure a reliable supply of sustainably grown wood, which might result in higher prices for standing timber
Sustainable timber harvests that meet water quality best management practices.
Work with the Forest Health Task Force, initiated by KWOA
Member Services: Our members and allies volunteer their time and resources to provide these services:
The Wood Post, periodic messages (usually one a month) providing timely information by email
The Kentucky Woodlands Newsletter (quarterly publication)
Annual meetings with two days of hands-on field demonstrations and other educational programs
Co-sponsor multiple field days and training events with our partners across the state
Maintain informational web site
Appear before Legislative Committees addressing forest policy and funding issues
Attend meetings with allied organizations and others to support our mission.